Jorge Luis BORGES: "Nadie puede leer dos mil libros. Yo no habré pasado de una media docena. Además no importa leer, sino releer."

domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

BROWNE: The dissipating effect of many books

Those who have witnessed the dissipating effect of many books upon the minds of modern children do not find it hard to believe that Abraham Lincoln's poverty of books was the wealth of his life. The few he had did much to perfect the teaching which his mother had begun, and to form a character which for quaint simplicity, earnestness, truthfulness, and purity, has never been surpassed among the historic personages of the world.

Francis Fisher BROWNE, The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln. A Narrative And Descriptive Biography With Pen-Pictures And Personal Recollections By Those Who Knew Him.

Project Gutenberg