Jorge Luis BORGES: "Nadie puede leer dos mil libros. Yo no habré pasado de una media docena. Además no importa leer, sino releer."

lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

The celebrated red-coat-wearing dandy who flirts with nurses

ATKINS, Thomas, celebrated red-coat-wearing dandy who flirts with nurses and cooks, spends his time boasting about South Africa and the U. S. A., posing for motion pictures, and exhibiting royalty. Authorities differ as to his marksmanship, although it is now conceded he can often hit a man-sized target at the distance of 4 feet 3 inches. Weather, however, must be clear. Is an authority on creases, backbone, accent, and tea. Beverage: Everything. Recreation: Jacks, collecting stamps, Kipling, blindman's-buff, parlor tricks, May-pole festivities. Ambition: Tortoise-shell monocles, camp manacurists, pocket bath-tubs, and restoration of the tea canteen. Epitaph: See Emperor William.

Irwin L. GORDON (ed.), Who Was Who 5000 B.C. To Date. Biographical Dictionary of the Famous and Those Who Wanted to Be.

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