Jorge Luis BORGES: "Nadie puede leer dos mil libros. Yo no habré pasado de una media docena. Además no importa leer, sino releer."

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

BARKER: Anna L. January, interested in temperance

Osawatomie claims Anna L. January, the author of "Historic Souvenir of Osawatomie, Kansas," "John Brown Battle Grounds," "Calvin Monument," and "Lookout and Park;" also, numerous poems.

Mrs. January is a native of Wilmington, Ohio, coming to Kansas in 1898. She taught school three years and in 1901 married D. A. January of Osawatomie. They have one child, a son of four years. An active worker in the Congress of Mothers and interested in temperance and suffrage work, Mrs. January still finds time to write many short poems.

Nettie Garmer BARKER, Kansas Women in Literature.